

Average Debt

The median net worth of the average U.S. household is $97,300. Median is the middle point where half the households have more and half have less. Under 35: Median net worth: $11,100 (average net worth: $76,200).Jan 23, 2020

source: Business Insider



Average Savings

Average American's Savings Account Balance is $3,500

source: Fool.com



Home Ownership

The homeownership rate of 67.4 percent was 2.6 percentage points higher
than the rate in the third quarter 2019 (64.8 percent) and not statistically
different from the rate in the second quarter 2020 (67.9 percent).Oct 27, 2020

source: US Census Bureau

Do your Finances control You?

Time is Money. We are not controlled by Money, make a change follow your Financial GPS!

• Good Debt •

Good debt as defined by one of the majory credit bureaus: ...can be a loan used to finance something that will offer a good return on the investment... »Interesting to note a search for Bad Debt does not return results from the Credit Bureaus!

• Bad Debt •

Bad debt is debt incurred to purchase things that quickly lose their value and do not generate long-term income. Bad debt is also debt that carries a high interest rate, like credit card debt.

• Necessity Debt •

Necessity Debt we refer to as injections or taking on additional debt to expedite your reducing other debts among many other uses for Necessity Debt!

What is a Financial GPS?

A basis of your Financial GPS is: Debt, Equity, Cash Flow and a solid plan for your finances.


Elimination ↓ Freedom • Leverage ¤

Debt is simply a tool, depending on how you choose to use Debt determines if it is Good, Bad or Necessity.
Nobody Plans to Fail, We Simply Fail to Plan


Home • Land • Cash • Precious Collectibles

This is just a few of the assets where you establish an equity postion Cash albeit a rising and falling tide of value can give you an equity position. Focus on what your keeping as much as you track what you are spending.

Financial Game

Understand how it is played!

Although finances are very serious business, comparisons to a game are made and with all games they have rules, strageties and winners. We know you want to be a winner with your own Finances. Sometimes we could all use a hand in improving our game play right?!

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Leave no stone unturned, your financial past does not predict your future.
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Positive Cash Flow

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